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What is a Non-Qualified Loan

Non-Qualified loans, often known as Non-QM (Non-Qualified Mortgage) loans, are an alternative financing option for individuals who don’t meet the stringent requirements of traditional mortgage lenders. These loans are designed to cater to borrowers with unique circumstances, such as self-employed individuals or those with irregular income sources. Unlike conventional loans, Non-Qualified loans don’t adhere to the standard underwriting guidelines set by regulatory authorities. Instead, lenders assess borrowers based on factors like credit history, income stability, and asset verification. While non-QM loans provide flexibility for borrowers, they typically carry higher interest rates and may require a larger down payment. However, they offer a solution for individuals who face obstacles when seeking traditional mortgage loans.

NON-QuaLified Loans Overview

Non-Qualified loans, also referred to as Non-QM loans, serve as an alternative financing avenue for borrowers who fail to meet the stringent requirements set by traditional mortgage lenders. These loans cater to individuals with unique circumstances, such as self-employed individuals or those with irregular income sources, who may not fit the mold of conventional borrowers.
Unlike traditional mortgage loans, Non-Qualified loans do not conform to the standard underwriting guidelines established by regulatory authorities. Instead, lenders evaluate borrowers based on different factors, such as credit history, income stability, and asset verification. This flexible approach allows borrowers to present a more comprehensive picture of their financial situation, enabling them to qualify for a loan despite not meeting traditional criteria.
It’s important to note that Non-QM loans typically come with higher interest rates and may require a larger down payment compared to traditional mortgages. This compensates for the increased risk associated with borrowers who do not meet conventional lending standards. However, Non-Qualified loans offer a viable solution for individuals facing obstacles when seeking traditional mortgage loans, providing an opportunity to secure financing for their home purchase or refinance needs.


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How to Qualify for a Non-Qualified Loan

Preapproval is the first and most important step towards acquiring your Non-Qualified Loan. Whether you’re a first-time home buyer or seeking to refinance your current home, getting preapproved helps narrow your focus to properties that fit your budget, establish credibility with sellers, and expedites both the loan funding and closing process.

Requirements for First-Time Home Buyers:

Non-Qualified Loans can provide an alternative financing option for first-time home buyers with unique financial circumstances, such as self-employment or irregular income. Additionally, the flexibility in underwriting criteria allows lenders to evaluate factors beyond credit scores, enabling borrowers to present a more comprehensive picture of their financial situation. This can increase the chances of obtaining financing and realizing the dream of homeownership for first-time buyers who may not qualify for a conventional loan.

D.T.I. Ratio:

Lenders assess your monthly debts against your gross monthly income when reviewing Non-QM loans. This provides more flexibility than traditional loans, where DTI limits are relatively stricter. Be aware that exact DTI thresholds can differ based on the lender and the loan variant.

Down Payment:

Non-qualified loans often require a larger down payment compared to conventional mortgages. This demonstrates your commitment to the investment and mitigates some of the risk for the lender.

Credit History:

Although non-QM loans consider factors beyond credit scores, lenders still assess credit history. A minimum credit score set by the Lender is typically required, but it’s important to note that a higher credit score will improve your chances of approval and may result in more favorable terms.


Non-QM loans require thorough documentation to verify income and assets. Self-employed borrowers, for example, may need to provide additional documents like profit and loss statements, bank statements, and tax returns to demonstrate their financial stability.

Financial Reserves:

Lenders may require a certain amount of reserves, typically ranging from three to six months’ worth of mortgage payments. This ensures that you have enough funds to cover unexpected expenses or financial challenges.

Requirements for Refinancing into a Non-Qualified Loan:

Refinancing into a Non-Qualified Loan provides eligible homeowners the potential to refinance even if they have experienced credit issues in the past. They also offer greater flexibility in debt-to-income ratio requirements. These loans also consider alternative forms of income documentation, such as bank statements or business financials, making it easier for self-employed homeowners to qualify for refinancing. Non-Qualified Loans are a great refinancing option for homeowners who may not meet the stringent criteria of traditional lenders.

Credit History:

Non-qualified loans take a more comprehensive view of credit history, considering factors beyond just credit scores. While there is no strict minimum credit score requirement, a credit score in the range of “poor” or higher is often expected for approval.

D.T.I. Ratio:

Lenders assess your monthly debts against your gross monthly income when reviewing Non-QM loans. This provides more flexibility than traditional loans, where DTI limits are relatively stricter. Be aware that exact DTI thresholds can differ based on the lender and the loan variant.


To secure a Non-Qualified loan, thorough documentation of income and assets is required. This may include providing bank statements, tax returns, profit and loss statements (for self-employed individuals), and other relevant financial documents.

Loan-to-Value Ratio:

Lenders assess the Loan-to-Value ratio, which represents the loan amount compared to the appraised value of the property. Non-QM loans may allow for higher LTV ratios enabling homeowners to access a larger portion of their home’s equity.

Financial Reserves:

Lenders may require borrowers to have financial reserves as a safety net. This typically ranges from two to six months’ worth of mortgage payments, ensuring homeowners have sufficient funds to cover unexpected expenses.



Offer borrowers a steady and predictableitnerest rate throughout the loan's duration. With a consistent interest rate, borrowers can confidently budget for their monthly payments. This mortgage option is ideal for individuals seeking stability and peace of mind. Learn more about Fixed Rate Mortgages here.

Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM)

An adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) offers a lower initial interest rate that can change over time. The interest rate is typically fixed for an initial period, then adjusts annually. This type of loan may be a good option for those planning to move or refinance before the rate adjusts. Learn more about Adjustable Rate Mortgages

Hybrid Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (hybrid ARM)

Combines the benefits of both fixed and adjustable-rate loans. Initially, it offers a lower fixed interest rate for a set period, usually a few years, providing borrowers with predictable payments. After this initial phase, the interest rate can adjust annually, potentially affecting the monthly payment amount. Learn more about Adjustable Rate Mortgages

Interest-Only Loans

With interest-only loans, borrowers have the option to pay only the interest portion of the loan for a specific period, typically 5 to 10 years. This can help lower monthly payments during the interest-only period. Learn more about Interest Only Loans.

Bank Statement Loans

These loans are designed for self-employed individuals or those with irregular income sources. Borrowers provide bank statements instead of traditional income documentation to verify their income and repayment ability.

Asset Depletion Loans

Asset depletion loans consider a borrower's assets, such as retirement accounts, investments, or bank accounts, as a means of qualifying for a loan. The lender calculates an annual income based on the value of these assets.

Non-Warrantable Condo Loans

Non-warrantable condo loans are for properties that do not meet the eligibility criteria of conventional lenders. These loans cater to borrowers looking to purchase or refinance condominiums in non-traditional or unique projects.

Investor Loans

Investor loans, also known as rental property loans or landlord loans, cater to real estate investors who want to finance properties they intend to rent out. These loans consider the potential rental income as part of the underwriting process

Non-Prime Loans

Non-prime loans are designed for borrowers with imperfect credit histories or lower credit scores. They provide an opportunity for individuals who may have experienced past credit issues to secure financing.

Bankruptcy or Foreclosure Bailout Loans

These loans are specifically tailored for individuals who have recently gone through bankruptcy or foreclosure. They provide a chance for borrowers to rebuild their credit and regain homeownership.

Expanded Criteria Loans

Expanded criteria loans take a more flexible approach to underwriting by considering a wider range of factors beyond traditional guidelines. They are suitable for borrowers who have unique circumstances or don't fit the mold of conventional lending.

It’s important to find the right type of loan that fits your unique financial situation. Contact one of PRMG’s home mortgage professionals today! We’ve been serving customers just like you for over 22 years. Your mortgage professional’s guidance can help you make an informed decision and secure your Non-Qualified Loan.

Pros of securing a NON-QUALIFIED Loan

Flexible Underwriting:

Non-QM loans offer more flexible underwriting criteria compared to traditional mortgages, allowing borrowers with unique circumstances or non-traditional income sources to qualify for financing.

Low Credit Criteria

Non-qualified loans provide an opportunity for individuals with imperfect credit histories or lower credit scores to secure financing, offering a pathway to homeownership that may not be available through traditional lenders.

Self-Employed Friendly:

Non-QM loans are well-suited for self-employed individuals who may have difficulty meeting traditional income verification requirements. These loans allow for alternative income documentation methods, such as bank statements or business financials.

Asset-Based Approvals:

Some Non-Qualified loans consider a borrower’s assets as a means of qualifying for financing. This can be beneficial for borrowers with substantial assets but limited income documentation, as the lender assesses the value of the assets to determine eligibility.

Unique Properties:

Non-QM loans can be used for non-warrantable condos, unique properties, or investment properties, offering financing options beyond the scope of traditional mortgages. This allows borrowers to pursue specific real estate investment strategies or purchase unconventional properties.

Customized Loan Terms:

Non-qualified loans provide flexibility in terms of loan structure, such as interest-only payments, balloon payments, or extended loan terms. This customization allows borrowers to tailor the loan to their specific financial needs and goals.

Faster Approval Process:

Since Non-QM loans follow different underwriting guidelines, the approval process can be quicker compared to traditional mortgages. This can be advantageous for borrowers looking for a streamlined and efficient financing experience.

Cons of securing a NON-QUALFIED Loan

Higher Interest Rates:

Non-QM loans often come with higher interest rates compared to traditional mortgages. This is due to the increased risk associated with borrowers who may not meet the stringent criteria of qualified mortgages.

Additional Fees:

Non-Qualified Loans may have additional fees and costs associated with them, such as higher origination fees or prepayment penalties. It’s important for borrowers to carefully review the terms and costs associated with the loan to fully understand the financial implications.

Stricter Qualification:

While Non-Qualified loans offer flexibility in certain areas, they may have stricter qualification requirements in other aspects, such as a larger down payment or more extensive documentation of income and assets.

Market Uncertainty:

Non-QM loans are a relatively new segment of the mortgage market, and their long-term stability and availability may be influenced by market conditions and regulatory changes. Borrowers should consider the potential risks and fluctuations in the non-QM loan market.

Limited Refinancing:

Non-Qualified Loans may have fewer refinancing options compared to traditional mortgages. This can limit the ability to refinance in the future if market conditions or personal financial circumstances change.


What is a non-qualified loan?

A Non-Qualified Loan is a type of mortgage that doesn’t meet the standards set by the qualified mortgage (QM) guidelines established by regulatory authorities. These loans are designed to offer financing options for borrowers who may not meet the strict criteria of traditional mortgages.

Who can benefit from a non-qualified loan?

Non-Qualified Loans can benefit various individuals, including self-employed individuals, those with non-traditional income sources, borrowers with less-than-perfect credit, and those looking to finance unique properties or investment opportunities.

What are the key differences between non-qualified loans and qualified mortgages?

Non-qualified loans differ from qualified mortgages in terms of eligibility criteria and underwriting standards. Non-QM loans provide more flexibility in areas such as credit history, income verification, and property types, while qualified mortgages follow stricter guidelines with regard to borrower qualifications and loan terms.

Do non-qualified loans have higher interest rates?

Non-qualified loans often come with higher interest rates compared to traditional mortgages. This is because lenders consider them riskier due to the borrowers not meeting the strict criteria of qualified mortgages. It’s important to carefully consider the interest rate and its impact on long-term affordability before deciding to secure a non-qualified loan.

Are non-qualified loans more difficult to obtain?

Non-qualified loans can be more accessible for borrowers with unique financial circumstances, as they offer flexibility in certain areas. However, they may have specific qualification requirements, such as larger down payments or more extensive documentation, which borrowers need to meet. Working with a knowledgeable mortgage professional can help streamline the loan application process.

Can I refinance my existing mortgage into a non-qualified loan?

Yes, it’s possible to refinance your current mortgage into a non-qualified loan. This can be beneficial for borrowers looking to take advantage of the flexibility and alternative options offered by non-QM loans. However, it’s important to carefully assess the terms, costs, and potential benefits before proceeding with a refinancing decision.

Are non-qualified loans a temporary solution?

Non-qualified loans are not necessarily a temporary solution. They have become a permanent segment of the mortgage market, catering to borrowers who don’t fit within the traditional mortgage framework. However, it’s important to monitor market trends and regulations that may impact the availability and terms of non-qualified loans in the future.


Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or are looking to refinance your existing mortgage, PRMG's home mortgage professionals can provide you with the information and resources you need to make an informed decision about your financial future. We pride ourselves on our commitment to customer service and will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the best possible experience.